well , i spurted it out. at last. for the first time. dekat adi. great bro great bro :)
that nite, mase my mom, dad n afiq dah tetido (on the same couch. just imagine -.- ) i naek atas tgok my bro maen GTA. maseh x paham ape yg best sgt ngn game tu. asyek menembak, drive, mnembak, drive. heshh. lpstu die nmpk i stood there buat muke, die ckp "cptlah, ape kau nk cite kat abg haritu? " warghh segan nyeee. then i was like " nanti2 lah. esok2. kau tgah maen game ni kaann".
"xde2, cpt cite"
" alaa esok lah bang. da malam laahh.cite die panjaaangg"
"esok abang keje pagi laah. kau lak skolah"
"alaa kau balek kol bpe?"
"tah laa mlm kot. cite jelaahh"
" alaa esok lah bang. da malam laahh.cite die panjaaangg"
"esok abang keje pagi laah. kau lak skolah"
"alaa kau balek kol bpe?"
"tah laa mlm kot. cite jelaahh"
then, die parking kete GTA die tu sbelah tiang lampu, n then die pause game. "haa siape?"
"siape apee?"
"eleehh (buat muke buat mukeee)"
"eleehh (buat muke buat mukeee)"
"hmm mne nk stat eh. mcmni......."
then i cite segale yg i nk cite kat die. u know, kalau teens cite psl ape jee.. opposite sex la kan. n then i btaw die segale dilema2, confusion, guiltiness, and segale bnde tu lah. lpstu die bagi nasihat. sekali je die ckp. then i was convinced. da taw da ape nk buat. the only word yg die ckp yg still terngiang2 lagi is
"kau jgn pikir nk jge hati org je. hati kau spe nk jage?"
hmm he was right. i always told the same thing to my besties tpi tgok skrg, ckp x serupe bikin :(
and then someone ade ckap,
so now, i'm waiting for the right time to fix all these things yg da ganggu gugat kpale minda fikiran, smue lah. nk stadi exam pun susah taw grrr.
the only problem here is mcmne nk ckp dkt die? pnat dah pikir ayat paling baik tpi x jumpe2. tanak bmusuh, tanak gadoh, tanak sdeh2. just nk everything goes smoothly as i wish.
and finally, THANX A LOT dkt korg yg dah tolong aimi yg byk mslh ni ): u know who u are :)
hmm he was right. i always told the same thing to my besties tpi tgok skrg, ckp x serupe bikin :(
and then someone ade ckap,
"make the greatest choice for you aimi. u just have to push ur self n never looks back "
gaahh ayat tu smpai skrg mlekat dlm kpale, hati, jiwe rage -.- THANX to this person, i manage to be braver from time to time :)
the only problem here is mcmne nk ckp dkt die? pnat dah pikir ayat paling baik tpi x jumpe2. tanak bmusuh, tanak gadoh, tanak sdeh2. just nk everything goes smoothly as i wish.
and finally, THANX A LOT dkt korg yg dah tolong aimi yg byk mslh ni ): u know who u are :)
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